Whistleblower / False Claims Act

U.S. Department of Justice – The False Claims Act: A Primer


U.S. Department of Justice – Government Intervention in Qui Tam (Whistleblower) Suits


Massachusetts False Claim Act – Massachusetts General Laws, Chapter 12, Sections 5A – 5O


Whistleblower / False Claims Act

A government contractor working on a public works project charges the City of Boston for materials that are never used. A physician, nurse or other medical provider routinely performs a battery of tests or lab work on patients when the medical treatment is not necessary and then bills Medicare or MassHealth. A pharmaceutical company artificially inflates the price for a prescription drug and then overbills a government healthcare provider for the drug. A government vendor charges the Commonwealth of Massachusetts for a top-of-the line product but delivers an inferior product doctored to make it appear to be the superior one. What happens when a person, company or corporation makes a profit by defrauding a government that it is doing business with?